The 3rd Annual

The 3rd Annual



October 14-16, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

October 14-16, 2021
Salt Lake City, Utah

Yes! We are meeting live! 
I am excited to announce the 3rd annual Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Summit live in Salt Lake City, Utah October 14-16 2021!

The first 2 events have been 2 of my favorite professional experiences of my life! There was transformation, a powerful sense of community, and amazing relationships built! 

I am excited to be back in a live room with you for 3 epic days of taking your message, and your business to the next level! 

This year's S.A.C. Network Summit theme is Your Message Matters!

Everything in your business comes down to your message. You are not a speaker, author, coach, blogger, podcaster, or whatever you identify as. You are a messenger! These are simply vehicles to share your message. When you see yourself as a messenger instead of a speaker, or coach, etc. you open yourself up to new opportunities and ways of thinking that can make a much larger impact and income sharing your message! 

Here is a breakdown of themes of each day of the event. 

Day 1: Crafting and Perfecting Your Message

Everything in our business starts with having a message that resonates with your ideal buyer. On Day 1 we will be working on crafting and perfecting your message. 

Day 2: Sharing Your Message

We must share our message in more ways and in more places to be able to make the impact and income we want to make! On Day 2 we are going to cover the abundance of opportunities (some of which you are probably missing) to grow your business sharing your message! 

Day 3: Selling Your Message

Yes, we all want to share our message and make a big impact, but this isn't a hobby! This is our business. If you want to make an income sharing your message you need to be able to sell your message. Day 3 is about finding the right way for you to sell your message!

This is not just a normal business conference! This is a transformational experience! 

If you want to be at the 3rd annual Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Summit this October GET YOUR TICKET NOW!
Who is this for?
Speakers, authors, coaches, influencers and message driven entrepreneurs of any kind who are ready to make a bigger impact and income sharing their message! 
Salt Lake City, Utah. venue details will be sent to you in your confirmation email

We are also offering virtual tickets as well. After you purchase your ticket you will have the option to attend live or virtually
October 14-16
All three days are 9 am to 6 pm Mountain Time

What is the investment?
The investment for this event is just $500 for 3 full days of life changing training! 

Do not delay, get your ticket today!!!

I can't wait to see you there in person at The 3rd Annual Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Summit!


Jake Ballentine
Founder of the Speakers, Authors and Coaches Network
"Jake has methodically guided me to a level of excellence that I had only dreamed of in the past" 
~ Dr. Mitchell Mays, Best-Selling Author, Speaker and Coach
Your Message Matters

Day 1: Your Message Matters

  • ​Crafting your message in a way that will make the biggest impact
  • ​Crafting your message in a way that will get people to actually buy from you.
  • ​Perfecting your message
  • ​Creating structure for your message

Day 2: Sharing Your Message

  • ​Sharing your message to new people every day
  • ​Booking speaking engagements  
  • ​Growing your own audience
  • ​Social Media Marketing 
  • ​How anyone can start speaking today without a website, video, or marketing materials

Day 3: Selling Your Message

  • ​The relationship sales method
  • ​Enrolling coaching clients
  • ​Booking paid speaking engagements
  • ​Selling online programs and products
  • ​The easy, step by step system I use to bring in new clients every week!
The Speakers, Authors, And Coaches Network Summit!
Make a bigger impact and income sharing your message!


Who is The Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Live Summit for?
Speakers, authors, coaches, influencers and message driven entrepreneurs of any kind who are ready to make a bigger impact and income sharing their message! 

What makes this event different from other business seminars?
The Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Summit is not a typical business seminar. This is an interactive, transformational experience. 

You will leave with actionable steps of what to do next, new relationships, and new opportunities. 

I am a firm believer in over delivering. This event is focussed on giving you the most value possible! 

What is the event schedule?
Both days start at 9 AM and go until 6 PM Mountain time. There will be a lunch break, and short morning and afternoon breaks each day. Specific schedule details will not be published. Clear your schedule and attend for the entire time. 

Who will be speaking at the event?
We have an amazing lineup of speakers that has yet to be announced. We will be announcing our speakers as we get close to the event. if you have been to one of our previous events you know that we overdeliver with great content. This year, our speaker lineup is better than ever. Our speakers will be announced one by one as we get closer to the event. 

What if I can not attend?
If for any reason you can no longer attend your ticket will be converted into a virtual ticket for the event. 

What is the refund policy?
There are no refunds for this event. If for any reason you can not attend live you can convert your ticket into a virtual ticket or give it to someone else. 

Is there a difference between the live and virtual ticket? 
No, If you choose to attend in person or virtually the ticket is the same price

What happens if the Event is unable to happen due to Covid?
If due to COVID, we are unable to hold a live event, your ticket will be converted into a Virtual Ticket, where you will have an amazing Virtual Experience!

Will there be a hotel block? 
no, there is not a hotel block, but there are hotel options within walking distance of the venue. Venue info will be sent to you in your confirmation email.

Are you looking for more event sponsors?
We only accept sponsorships from partners that would be the right fit for our event. If you are interested in sponsoring The Speakers, Authors, and Coaches Network Summit email [email protected]

Are you looking for more speakers?
We have an incredible lineup of speakers planned for this event. We only book speakers that have the specific topics we are looking for that we know very well. If you want to speak at a future event your best bet is to attend live so we can get to know each other. 

"Working with Jake has exceeded all my expectations!
He helped me flip a switch in my mind that has made all the difference.
~Marita Marcolongo, Speaker and Success Coach, Founder of the 360 Degree Experience

Working with Jake has been so helpful to me!

“Working with Jake has been so helpful to me, he is an amazing coach! You can just feel that he truly cares about you and has such a deep belief in you that it makes it easy to believe in yourself!”

~Jocelyn Kuhn

Jake gave me the encouragement and tools I needed!

“Jake gave me the encouragement and tools I needed to reach my goals in my business. He has been down the path that I wanted to go and has led me to where I want to be!”

~Rob Ferre

Absolutely transformational!

“Working with Jake has been absolutely transformational! I love that with Jake I get a coach, a mastermind, a support group and amazing in person events!”

~Trina Sette

Life changing!

“Working with Jake Ballentine has been life changing, I have worked with many coaches over the years and none of them have compared to what I have learned from Jake!”

~Terri Mays

Working with Jake has exceeded all my expectations!

During our first coaching session he flipped a switch in my mind that made all the difference.

It enabled me to release an emotional emergency brake and start moving towards my goal.

Now I've reached my business goal way before the deadline, and on top of that I'm more confident and full of energy than ever. 

Thank you, Jake!!

Marita Marcolongo, Speaker and success coach, Founder of the 360 Degree Experience

Jake has methodically guided me to...

Jake has methodically guided me to a level of excellence that I had only dreamed of in the past. Jake has the experience to back up his coaching and an uncanny intuition that flows organically.
I am, as a transformational coach, trainer, speaker, chiropractic physician and mental health professional of nearly forty years, so very grateful to be working with a master like Jake.

-Dr. Mitchell Mays, International #1 best-selling author, speaker and coach

Idea into business!

“I started working with Jake with no business, no clients and no real idea of how to make my dream a reality. Jake helped me find my message, identify my demographic and start approaching and securing clients.

He single handedly helped me transform my idea into a business!”

~Henry Johnstone, Coach and Host of The Inner Warrior Podcast

I have been totally transformed by working with Jake!

Though we've been coaching for just a few months, I am already much more disciplined in taking the daily and weekly steps necessary to meet my goals. We discussed some fairly aggressive goals for my business, and thanks to his suggestions and counsel during our discussions, and to my action on the commitments I made with him, I am seeing amazing success in just eight weeks. I have made back my coaching investment many times over already with the growth of my business. Thank you Jake!

Jason Lyle Black, #1 iTunes artist, concert pianist, and Best of State® entertainer

Jake Ballentine is a brilliant coach...

strategist, and speaker. Combining his personal experience as a successful speaker with his focus on personal development, Jake has helped me gain clarity on my marketing, impact, and life goals. I highly recommend his coaching programs, especially if you're looking to turn speaking into a profitable career!" 

Dr. Blake Brandes TEDx Speaker and Motivational Millennial Co-Founder

Greatness leaves clues!

"I went from no speaking engagements booked, wondering if I could still consider myself a speaker, to FOUR booked speaking engagements by the end of this course! I am confident in myself, my message, my importance, and the anatomy of my presentation.

Thank you, Jake! You changed the direction (well, helped me to SET a direction) for my career to a much more enjoyable and fruitful path.

Jake effectively breaks down complex requirements and steps for building a speaking practice into bite-size pieces, and embraces the power of trying while being OK with not achieving perfection.

Setting the foundation blocks of my business with Jake has been a critical part of my journey; I will forever be grateful.

More than a coach, Jake becomes your friend and ally along your path.

Greatness leaves clues. Jake has been paid hundreds of times to open his mouth and help impact thousands of lives. Hop on board and pour some rocket fuel in your business launch, or pull yourself out of a rut!"

Ryan Dunphy, Founder of Thrive Life Coaching