"I went from no speaking engagements booked, wondering if I could still consider myself a speaker, to FOUR booked speaking engagements by the end of this course! I am confident in myself, my message, my importance, and the anatomy of my presentation.
Thank you, Jake! You changed the direction (well, helped me to SET a direction) for my career to a much more enjoyable and fruitful path.
Jake effectively breaks down complex requirements and steps for building a speaking practice into bite-size pieces, and embraces the power of trying while being OK with not achieving perfection.
Setting the foundation blocks of my business with Jake has been a critical part of my journey; I will forever be grateful.
More than a coach, Jake becomes your friend and ally along your path.
Greatness leaves clues. Jake has been paid hundreds of times to open his mouth and help impact thousands of lives. Hop on board and pour some rocket fuel in your business launch, or pull yourself out of a rut!"
Ryan Dunphy, Founder of Thrive Life Coaching